Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I have a project of promoting 3G here in Tanzania. Its a very finiancially viable project and I'd like you to be a part of it. Here in Tanzania 3G can be very profitable as all networks now offer the service. For more information please contact me using the address given below.
My email address is damasusmillinga@gmail.com .
This is this is the investment of a lifetime.
Remember 'Give and it shall be given unto you'.
Please think about it and may the LORD God Almighty bless you.
I have added my PayPal button for those wishing to give to my project.
Please feel free do so.
The secret to wealth is as follows:"Give to the poor and you will never be in need. If you close your eyes to the poor,many people will curse you."Proverbs 28:27 Good News Bible. Thank you so very much.

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