Monday, June 8, 2009

New Idea for the People of the World

I wrote this piece because I had a message I wanted to share with you.

Today I want you to go out and buy food for someone who's hungry.

When you're done leave me a comment and see what happens in 24 hours.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mbagala Help

Friday, May 22, 2009

Helping those in Need

Friday, March 13, 2009

God on Twitter

Its good to be back.Its been quite a while since I last updated my blog.For the month of January and February I was preparing for my examinations since I'm taking my MBA at the Open University of Tanzania.Likewise I had to move house to a new location and at work there have been some changes too.The project which was started has proved to be successful and it did a wonderful job for the company for the past 2 weeks.
Management is pleased with the outcome.
On a personal note so much has been happening recently and I feel its time to address the hot topic that won't go away and that is "Economic Crunch" or as the experts put it "Global Economic Recession".In order to examine how it affects you take a look at your personal finances.Money is a seed and every seed must be planted.The "Economic Crunch" destroys your seed because you plant in the wrong things.

There was a very famous song which went "Money Makes the World Go Around".To an extent that is not completely true.What makes the world go around is more than money. Even before the invention of paper money people where still trading by using Barter. Trade by Barter involved the exchange of one commodity for another.
Back to the question of "Economic Crunch" how do you get out of it?
-First you need to follow instructions. The instructions which you will receive will determine whether you will succeed or not;
-Second you need to act on the instructions;
-Third wait for the results;

Listen we all have the ability to create something out of nothing.Look at what you have that you're not using.Recently I had to give out what I was not using to those who needed them most.For a long time people have been programmed into "Receiving" but they never stopped to ask what would happened if I was to "Give"? The Bible says that the LORD loves a cheerful giver.Are you a cheerful giver?Believe me there is tremendous power in giving and you'll be surprised at what a little giving can do for you.When I give you something I remove from myself something I value and as you the receiver accept it automatically creates something within you that will fulfill your present need.The result is a "God bless you".The Bible also says it is better to give than to receive.He who gives has more friends than he who receives.

To get out of the "Economic Crunch" you have to give to God what belongs to God and to Man what belongs to Man.Stop for a moment and ask yourself "What can I give God?"
Your life by being born again of the spirit of God.After doing so begin tithing that is you give the LORD God 10% of your income.For instance if you earn $100,000 you give the LORD $10,000 as tithe.I have tried it and it WORKED.It can work for you too.
Remember that there are a lot of people who don't have the good things that you have. In some parts of the world clean drinking water is a problem.There are diseases such as Malaria and HIV/AIDS which are killing millions of people and destroying national economies.How are you going to help them? What can you do for them?
You can start by giving today.

I know that there is a God who loves you very much and He wants the best for you.
This same God made you and me in His image.The image of God is holiness,love and truth.If that is the case then why aren't you giving? Do you think God cannot reach you where you are? The Bible says that He is the God of all flesh and there is nothing too difficult for Him.If you want to try Him then do so by giving.
I'm in need of a car.To paypal a car donation, just set up a new account or log into your existing paypal account at
then click on the send money tab, fill out the form that pulls up addressing payment to the paypal id of Please note on payment that this donation is for the car.Alternatively you could send it by Wire Transfer using the details below:
Name of Account Holder:Damasus Millinga
Name of Bank: Barclays Bank
Branch: Mikocheni Branch
Branch Code: 014
Account Number: 1009427
Swift Code: BARCTZTZ

I do appreciate your valuable contribution. If you have any prayer requests please feel free to email me and I'll get back to you.
Are you my follower? It not then please follow me on Twitter:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Meet the new American Idol judge. Click on the link below to read more about her.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Click below if you want to make money online now!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Hi and welcome to my blog.
I want to use this opportunity to thank those who have taken time to visit my blog. I’m very grateful that you dropped by to see me. Happy New Year to you.
As 2009 has already started and the year is ripe and early I can clearly say that 2009 can be your year of prosperity. Why do I say so? Its due to the fact that we all face the same fate—what we do with our time and how we choose to do it.
It’s a fact that most of the time we are busy working long hours yet we receive little pay. I for one work an 8 hour shift and sometimes on Public Holidays. I was on duty during Christmas and New Year. Yet what I’m being paid is not what I ought to be paid. If you ever worked a shift in your life then you’ll know what I mean. Those long boring hours sitting in front of a computer wearing a headset. Yet one must work in order to live.
Today there are online business opportunities that allow you to make some good money. Yet making money is not the only thing in life. What really matters to me is the Quality of Life .How much you make matters but does your family have time to be with you?
Today I face some major challenges: I’m doing my MBA, working and trying to establish an internet business. I want to quit my job as a Customer Care Representative. My quality of life is dead. I’ve been working for 5 years, been married for 4 years and I have a son who will turn 3 years in January 2009.
For this year I choose to be successful. I want to share my knowledge with you. Recently I have set up a letter writing business since I believe in the art of communication. Normally I dislike long letters that lack the “Punch”. If you are a business person or you already own or you plan to have your own business then this is for you. If you’re like me working 8 hours a day for 6 days and you have spoken to a lot of people then you will come to realize that Its time to help others build their businesses. I have learnt a lot in the offline world and now I want to apply this knowledge to the online world.
Did you know that where you are is not where you’re supposed to be? Your business is meant to be BIG! HUGE! ENORMOUS! Yet you’re struggling.
In biology there is symbiosis and in business there is a win-win situation. What this means is we can both benefit from each other. My interest and concern is purely genuine. Rest assured that you are in good hands.
Can I be trusted? Is this for real? The answer is yes. If still undecided then please read my personal profile below.

Personal Profile:
5 years experience in Customer Care for Zain Tanzania.
Authority in GPRS/EDGE technology. Done extensive market research on mobile wireless technology in Tanzania.
Please google Zain and visit

Thursday, January 1, 2009


2009 is finally here. I would advise all my followers to use Twitter. Its an excellent community and I enjoy using it very much.